Dichotomy of Change

by | Jun 12, 2017 | Change, Clutter, Energy | 0 comments

Everyone I know talks about wanting change. Usually we are talking about politics, neighbors, climate, friends, a spouse or even about Self.

It’s very easy to say how someone or something outside of Self needs to change. Yet, when approached with ideas of how to accomplish a personal change, none of the “solutions” may feel right, or safe, or easy.

For Example

A client complained about her inability to sleep well. She couldn’t fall asleep or stay asleep, and she didn’t feel rested after she did sleep. I suggested we start by looking at her bedroom.

I offered multiple ways she might make her bedroom more quiet and calm. She said “no”, that these changes couldn’t be done:

  • The bed could not be in a better position.
  • She needed the TV there because “…a TV belongs in the bedroom”.
  • The iPad was on the night stand in case she needed to send a message while watching TV.
  • The nine books next to the bed were needed in case there was nothing good to watch on TV.
  • And she concluded by saying, “…it has always been this way”.

She just did not want to stop multi-tasking when she got into bed.

She said, “There must be another solution.” What I heard was, “Change is OK as long as the change will be easy and I don’t have to change anything I like.”

Here’s What We Did

After discussing several options we did make changes . First we moved her bed to a better position, farther from the door, into the “Command Position” which reduces anxieties and restless sleep.

Then we moved the iPad into another room. She pared her books down to 3 choices.

The TV remained. She kept the TV for her husband who loved it and had no sleep problems.

Change Can Be Gradual

Feng Shui recognizes change is a normal part of life and hence provides the means for us to have a smooth transition during our changing times.

Change can include altering aspects of our home or work environment, and internal aspects – our thoughts and behavior.

Convincing my client that the items in her bedroom were keeping her awake took a while. She had some “Yes, But…” Chi: “Yes, I want to sleep better, BUT, I don’t want to change what I am doing.” (More on types of Chi in a future blog.)

Changing her surroundings helped her inner Chi shift and ease her into new thinking and a better night’s sleep.

We all struggle at times to make changes. Gradual change is change. It’s good!



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